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Sunday, June 06, 2010
  Change Your Life in 7 Days - Paul McKenna
Pay attention to your breathing. The gentle rise and fall, happens all by itself.
Start counting backwards from 300… 299… 298… 297. Comfortably be aware of your shoulders relaxing... sensing the weight of your hand. Gentle lightness of letting go and peace. You are learning easily, you love & approve yourself. You are becoming more responsible. Life & the universe supports you. You think better of yourself in more positive ways.

Practising tenaciously, thinking of yourself in a much more positive way, noticing more phenomenal changes. You are getting more done, you are happier. Your r/s are working better. You are starting to see tangible results. What part of your new life are you enjoying the most? Give yourself a sense of that pleasure now & amplifying and intensifying the pleasure. You know by doing what is good for you, by doing what works through practice and listening repeatedly, you can achieve the things you want.

You know how good it feels when you know you’re doing what is important to you. When you are living your values and you can more and more everyday. Whatever happens, you feel a sense of satisfaction from living your values.

When you think of a limitation you have, ask yourself. Is there anyone with your limitation who has succeeded in spite of it? There are always more ways to look at the world. I’d like to thank that part of your mind that is in charge of your self image, for doing all the good things that it does for you – protecting you, helping you, making you the person that you are. But I’d like you to find new ways to achieve all the positive things that it was doing for you, but without unnecessary limitations or negative self-belief. You might not even be aware of what those new ways are going to be now as your unconscious mind decides what they are, and check that its okay for you to have that new self image.

I’d like the imaginative genius part of your unconscious mind to come up with solutions to problems. People show you love and respect and you enjoy showing it to others. You find new, exciting, easier ways to work and have fun and really enjoy life. You assume that other people are thinking good things about you. Think of someone who loves you, someone that you’ve held to approve of you. Step into their body and see yourself look through the eyes of love. Be aware of the thoughts and feelings they have about you. When you’ve learnt about the special qualities that make you loveable, step back out of the person and back into yourself again. So strangely things can turn out well as we tune ourselves to its energy. We learn to be mindful and we learn to listen to our own instincts.

Think about the ideal, authentic you. See your posture, the way you dress, your manner and the way others treat you. Now, go over to the ideal you. Feel the amazing difference. Imagine yourself in your ideal environment – how good does that feel?

Think of a good memory – fully return to it again now. Step into it and See it through your eyes; Hear it through your ears and feel those good feelings that go along again.
Whenever you feel less than resourceful, you will remember how to change your status, mind and body by changing pictures and sounds in your imagination. You remember that whatever happens around you - you are always free to choose. Remember times you felt great and understand how you made yourself feel so great.

You can overcome problems, your mind will generate creative ways to overcome obstacles. You begin to see yourself as a capable and resourceful person. You enjoy challenges as you realise they make you stronger, wiser, and you get value from your achievements. You are here for a worthwhile purpose – you are exceptional and you are here to achieve something wonderful for your life. How do you feel differently knowing this to be true? In future whenever you feel bad about anything, you will ask yourself what you are feeling bad about. Take appropriate action. The more your mind does this the more naturally focuses on the positive and you will become more resourceful than ever before.

You surround yourself with successful people. Remember to ask yourself: How can I do it better? Imagine great wealth flowing to you effortlessly and naturally. You deserve it and feel good about it. Picture a wealthy you - how do you look? WHat is your confident posture; how do you breathe? Get used to that wealthy confidence and let that confidence spread through you. You know what it is like to be in the zone. You produce the results that you’d like your mind to.

As you practice, you become skilled. Once you place your attention more and more, you enter the desired state more and more. Like a river flowing strongly and easily downstream. You practice and reinforce the neuropath in your brain.

Make a clear bright picture in your mind and step into the picture of a happier you. Feel the difference and thoughts and let that learning encode into your physiology. You are one of all things – you go into flow states easily and naturally. You absorb yourself in activities that are appropriate and life-enhancing. You choose to enjoy the flow state by enjoying what you do everyday, even smallest daily activities can be a fruitful occasion.

Imagine yourself in a time when everything is alright and everything is exactly what they should be. Notice every tiny detail and feel how good it is. The more good things you notice, the more you are letting good things flow into you. Enjoy exploring your ideal world and ideal day. Go through how well it starts, the way people respond to you. The places you go, things you do. Take the time to do it now.

As you become aware of the desire to be positive, Reinforce all positive thoughts.

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