Nice articles
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
  Take the Risk
Take the Risk
"When I was in second grade, a new boy, Derrick showed up halfway through the year. He had a bad leg, and all the kids teased him. I never teased him, but I was afraid of being too nice to him because I didn't want the other kids to think I was a sissy or whatever second-graders think.
That summer my mom made me take swimming lessons at the city pool and Derrick was always there. He was a great swimmer, and I found out later that he swam every day to build up strength in his legs. One day during a break in lessons, I was sitting on the side of the pool and he wam up and said hi and thanked me for not teasing him at school. I said something like, "Oh, no big deal," but inside I felt like a jerk for being afraid to be friendly with him. Now I'm in fourth grade and Derrick is my best friend. In fact, he's the best friend anyone could ever want."

So many of us are so afraid of one another- of having our hearts crushed(again), our spirits broken- that we miss out on the love and connection that is available if we could only take the risk. Acts of love and kindness are risky- we risk looking foolish or being rejected; we risk being laughed at or ignored. But if we don't act, we risk losing even more- the potential for love, for friendship, for communication with another soul. Today, take a risk with just one person.


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