Nice articles
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I love you because...
with you I can be myself
Because we can talk about anything and laugh about silly things...

I love you because...
You made a difference in my life and that made all the difference.

I love you for a hundred thousand reasons~
But most of all I love you 'cause you're you!

Dear friend:
Thanks for giving me enough space to be a close friend.
Thanks for giving me your smile to wear when tears had washed mine away.
Thanks for admiring my virtues and accepting my flaws when I wasn’t capable of doing either.
Thanks for poking me with your laughter when I was full of hot air.
Thanks for making me laugh when something happened to me that was nothing to laugh at.
Thanks for asking me what I was going through and reminding me that soon I would be through it.
Thanks for listening to what I said and couldn’t say, and understanding that what we can’t say hurts the most.
Thanks for all the time we spent together and for showing me that friendship can be our finest hour.
Thanks for the lesson in self-esteem: All friendship first begins with self-friendship.
Thanks for opening your heart: When a friendship opens, it opens us inside out.
Thanks for teaching me not to be blind to friendship even if you sometimes have to close one eye to make a friend and two eyes to keep a friend.
Thanks for telling me when I have something stuck in my teeth.
Thanks for having the honesty to not accept my faults as yours.
Thanks for listening to me when I had nothing to say and for saying nothing about you.
Thanks for reminding me that who I once was is not as exciting to you as whom I might yet become.
Thanks for remind me that a friend is someone who is there for you when you don’t think you’re getting anywhere.
Thanks for reminding me that the only way to be a best friend is to be the best I can be.
Thanks for listening long enough for me to hear how wrong I could be.
Thanks for reminding me that we can be independent and still depend on others.
Thanks for taking my side in arguments and changing sides when I changed my mind.
Thanks for reminding me that I’m not the most important person in the world but that you think the world of me.
Friendship is contagious and love is contagious.
Friendship is like good health; you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.
Friendship is a key that can unlock something inside of us we never knew was locked.
A friend is more than someone who treats us with the same familiar disregard we have for ourselves.
A friend is someone who allows distance but is never far away.
If we look at our friends and feel lucky, we are.
Growing up, lots of people would talk to me. You would listen.

Don’t take criticism to heart but to get to the heart of the criticism.
Real kindness is helping someone who can never repay you.
We are lost when we don’t help others to find their way.
No matter how gifted we are, none of us are a gift to others if we’re wrapped up in ourselves.
When you want to wash away a memory, scrub with time.
The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.
God gave us two eyes so we could see both sides of our own opinions, and two ears so we could hear both sides to the argument, but only one mouth and the reminder not to talk out of both sides of it.
It is all right to be wrong and wrong to always be right.


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