I CAN MAKE YOU THIN- Paul McKENNASome really cool extracts:
"It's through your imagination that you actually make all your best decisions about what you are going to eat. When you read the menu in the restaurant, you mentally taste all the food in your mind before you decide what to have. Thats why restaurants go to such trouble to describe their food in appetizing terms. For example, which would you rather have for dinner: 'Goujons of sole lightly sautéed and served in delicate lemon sauce' or 'DEAD FISH'?"
"There are lots of people who are members of what I call the "clean plate club". UNless they finish everything put in front of them they believe they are somehow 'bad'. Eating everything on your plate whether you're still hungry or enjoying it or not is basically giving permission for your weight to be controlled by some kid who's being paid $4 an hour at McDonald's. Let's face it, you wouldn't let a shop assistant tell you how much to spend on clothes, would you?
Like most kids, I was told by my parents to eat everything on my plate because 'there are starving children in India'. Don't underestimate the subtle power of this guilt trip, especially if it was installed at a formative age. Eventually, of course, I realised that it was a con. I used to say, "how does me being overweight help the starving children? Shall I take a picture of myself fat and send it to them with a note saying, "At least you know the food isnt going to waste"?"
The 4 Golden Rules!
1. Eat whenever you are hungry
2. Eat only what you want, never what you think you should.
3. Eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful
4. Stop when you even think your body is full
Labels: diet