Nice articles
Saturday, February 20, 2010
"Liquid Thinking" - Damian Hughes

1. Sink or Swim
- Those who make things happen
- Those who watch what happened
- Those who say "What happened?"

Start to accept that you are 100 per cent accountable and responsible for you and your life, your feelings and every result that you get. Stop making excuses and start to believe you are the cause rather than the effect.

Don't blame others. Accept personal responsibility.

2. Are You a Drifter?

What is your purpose?
It is not your job, relationships you choose, does not have to be overly impressive, doesn't have to make you a martyr, doesnt have to be complex.

helping you identify purpose:
- What are the 5 things you love to do?
- What 5 things you really good at
- What do you consider is essential for you to do in life?
- If you won the lottery what 3 things you'd do?
- If you were writing your own orbituary, what would it say?

3. Thirst for Success
Walt Disney who had already been bankrupt yet went out and applied for a loan at over 300 banks with this unbelievable sales pitch: He would have people come from all over the world to see larger than life cartoon characters in an amusement park and that park would have a replica of the Matterhorn -- complete with snow -- in Southern California! Over 300 loan officers laughed at him, yet Walt Disney believed in his vision so strongly that he never gave up. Someone finally agreed to loan him the money and the rest is history.

Thomas Edison failed over 1000 times to develop the light bulb.
Did they give up?

- Write down a long list of things you don't like doing.
- Write down a long list of things you like doing.
- When does time seem to fly? A long list.
- What energises you? Things that make you feel good after completion.
- Things you are good at.
- Things you good at and cross out that dont energise you, that you leave to he end of the day or that make time drag.

4. Liquid Go(a)led
SMART + Step.

Make the effort to write down goals.
RAS (Reticular Activating system) is small part of your brain that is critical in helping you achieve your goals.
There are too much information to be absorbed at any one time, and the brain manages to capture only some. You don't know that the flower on St 42 is red or has just bloomed.. etc.
IT's the same for the goals you want. Suddenly you will find more coincidences and opportunities coming your way, which will help and support you in achieving your goal.

5. What are your Anchors?

Diff things that you might coinsider to be a value:

What are the5 most important values in your life and work?
What are your rules and conditions that will allow you to live your live that suit your personal rule book?

6. Future Reflections
Muhammad Ali beat his competitor because prior to the rounds, he already pictured in his mind the sight of his competitor down on the floor.
He calls it "future history".

Answer the following q in PAST TENSE:
Where have you been on holiday, was it good?
What did you do and who were you with?

Where are you living, describe your house.

Where you work, what work is it

What have you achieved in the last years that you are most proud of, why?

7. Turn Water into Wine
Belief = behaviour = result

Think of the barriers that are stopping you from achieving your goals.
Be brutal and challenge yourself.

They may be time, money, location, boss, debt, knowledge, qualifications, lack of confidence, support, laziness, illness.. etc.
Now buy a book about your hero and compare your beliefs with theirs!

8. Deckchairs on the Titanic
- What are the 5 most important things in your life? Family, parents, career, hobbies, dreams, etc?

- How happy are you with the amount of time you spend on them?
- Think what you would like the number of hours to be.

9. Do you swim with sharks or dolphins?
(Probability thinkers )Energy sappers - like verbs like bleed, deplete, drain, exhaust, undermine, weaken, wear down.

(Possibility thinkers) Energizers - like verbs like drive, efficiency, exertion, force, intensity, power, spirit, stamina.

Robbie Williams wrote a song Hello Sir dedicated to the teachers who laughed of his ambitions to be a pop star.
Hello Sir, remember me?
I'm the man you thought I'd never be
The boy who you reduced to tears
Lad called 'thingy' for six whole years.

Yes, that's right, my name's Bob
The one who landed the pop star's job
The one you told, look don't touch
The kid who wouldn't amount to much.

Well, I'm here and you're still there
With a fake sports car and receding hair.
Dodgy Farah trousers that you think are smart
Married to the woman who teaches art.

Married to the life, married to the school
I wanna sing and dance Sir; now who's the fool?
Sing and dance, you thought I was barmy
Settle down thingy, join the army.

And who are you to tell me this?
The dream I want I'll have to miss
Sir is God, he's been given the right
To structure lives overnight.

Now I know life's true path
Tanks and guns that'll be a laugh
No, not me I'm a mega civilian
I won't lead my life riding pillion.

But thanks for the advice and I'm sure it'll do
For the negative dickheads just like you.
As for now I've a different weapon
Stage and sceen is about to beckon.

And here I sit in first class
Bollocks Sir, kiss my arse...

Identify which tribes you belong to.
Identify a group of people you admire, people you believe can help you achieve your goals and whom you can help achieve theirs. Commit to meet up and offer encouragement.

10/ Stop Whaling

Remove "failure" and "I Cant" out of your vocabulary.
Yoda: Do or do not. There is no try.

Change your own language.
Monitor what you say in your head and remove "I cant"

Train yourself to ask better questions.
- Can I improve or influence this situation?
- Can I find or learn anything positive from this
- Would I do anything differently next time?

You will notice it affects the results you get.

11. Go Fishing
You dont have to aim for Perfection. Sony takes about 5 days from an idea to a prototype, while others on average take 11 months.
Ask for feedback.

Keep track of your progress and how many attempts you make to achieve it. Don't give up after a try or two.
Share your goals with others and ask for feedback.

12. Think in Water Colour
5 guidelines for fresher, more innovative ideas:
- Go for quantity. The more ideas the better.
- Don't judge or evaluate ideas as you go along
- Capture all ideas you have in some way
- Love half answers.
- Be naive.
- Have an objective

13. Swim Against the Tide
Research into sales has shown that 73% of customers say "no" five times before they say yes. But only 8% of salespeople ever go past being told 'no' five times or more.

Have the courage to look at yourself and change your habits.
Be UNSTOPPABLE. Tell yourself that.

14. Dive in!
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." Goethe

Time does not wait for any of us. Don't wait for circumstances to be perfect.

"So gently close the door of yesterday and throw away the key away. It isn't the burdens of today that drive men mad, but rather the regret over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves who would rob us of today."
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