Nice articles
Saturday, November 10, 2007
ENOUGH, dammit
a cynic's guide to finally getting what you want out of life - Karen Salmansohn

1. You don't like to think of yourself as a grown up. but as a "growing up".
You want to always be growing... and growing.

2. Alot of pessimism will never get you what you want. Lots of pessimism will only get you lots of opportunity to be right about your pessimism.
You dont want to be a pessimist who succeeds at being right about your pessimism.
You want to be an optimist who succeeds at success.

3. Your psychological problem:
Sometimes the seeds of your negative beliefs are buried in your subconcscious mind.. planted so deep in your lower consciousness that you're not even aware they're down there. and so you can wind up growing lots of weedy negative life circumstances you didn't even know you planted in the first place.
More dirt on your thought seeds: your lower consciousness seems to have the ideal dark and musty climate for negative thought seeds to grow. So, if you want to ensure you don't grow a jungle of negative life circumstances, you've got to prune and nurture the garden of your subconscious mind on a regular basis.

4. You must make sure you live in the present and stop reliving the past. And you know from reading Freud that you have two ways to relive your past.
1. Through your memories
2. Through your actions.

Meaning, you can relive your past by:
- Overdoing your daily thoughts about the past.
- Choosing current situations that are doppelgangers to your past, being led to these familiar reenactments by the urgings of your braindirtied subconscious mind.

5. Both your repeated heartache and heartburn occur for the same single reason: an incorrect belief system about HOW TO STOP YOUR PAIN!
For example, you at one time thought you could put a final end to your heartburn by taking Tums for your tummy. So you did, and for a bit of time, you felt better.
The next thing you knew: more pain! And the same pattern of pain went for your pattern of paramours.
If you want to stop your recurring pain for good you must first correctly see what you're doing bad.
You must correctly see the difference between "the cause of your original pain" and the "effects of your original pain"

The cause of your original pain: your repetition compulsion for pain-bearing
Effect of your original pain: heartburn/heartache

6. Often it takes CRISIS PAIN to strike for you because it makes your fear of all that NEW POTENTIAL PAIN from shock and glare suddenly look alot less scary.

7. There is a thick line between knowing and doing. You have to do whatever the hell you can to snag it.
1. Make a one year plan. Write down everything ou need to learn and do to snag your quest, then mark up with your calendar daily, weekly, monthly goals. Update your progress daily!! Rename this year to come THE YEAR I TOOK OVER THE WORLD!!

2. Buy a Congratulations card and send it to yourself!

3. Shake up your life. Dye your hair! Move apartments! Or in small ways! Tell your subconscious: yo! I be tha boss! Im in charge of my life and can change it for the better!

4. Boast and post! Write a list of your best qualities and strongest talents. Post this positive list in places you can see it.

5. Be patient, it will take time for you to see the new growth and new thriving in your life.

8. You are NOT your past actions. You are NOT your past failures. you are NOT how others have at one time treated you. you are ONLY who you think you are right now in this moment. you are ONLY what you do right now in this moment,

9. If you want to move forward, you have to stop looking backward... and blaming your past for all the pain, failure and scarcity in your present.
"Poor me" is a poor excuse. It will make you poorer and poorer.

There once was a man who got bitten in the arm by a poisonous snake. All he could think about was how pissed off he was at the snake for biting him, that he didn't relax and so he could calmly see that he could solve his problem (i.e. save his life) if he just stopped being pissed and started sucking out the poison from his arm. He died. End of story.
Moral: Forgiveness truly is a logical act of self-interest.

10. A damn good attitude equals a damn good destiny.
Six effective faith energizers:
1. You follow rules about complaining (a) you're only allowed to complain about your life if it is really, funny. (b) your complaint must be lead to a solution.
2. When lacking faith, go jump into the ocean! Visit a beach or hike in the woods. Surround yourself by the miracle of nature.
3. Play some inspiring music. whatever gets your heart pumping and cajones revved back up.
4. Find examples in magazines and on the internet of people who snagged what you want. Plus in real life, try to surround yourself with people who have what you want.
5. Create a list of all the times you've gotten things you didn't think were gettable. When faith is lagging, lug out this list.
6 Sit up straight and smile! If you change your body carriage to a more confident mode, you send messages to your brain that you are more confident, you are.

11. 1. You can use this moment thinking negative thoughts about doubt, despair, blame, fear... which will then push you further away from love and success... with its negative energy momentum!
2. You can use this moment thinking positive thoughts about faith, harmony, abundance, love...which will then push you toward love and success... with its positive energy momentum!
It's up to you to use every momentum of your life wisely.

12. You must practice the principles of this book consistently over time.
Repetition works. Repetition works.

13. So, ENOUGH, dammit!


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