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Friday, March 07, 2008
Law of Attraction -Michael J. Losier

I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative.
1. You observe what you receive and have in your life (whether positive or negative)
2. While observing, you send a vibration, either positive or negative.
3. The Law of Attraction responds to the vibration you are sending.
4. As a result, you get more of what you were vibrating, whether positive or negative.

Whether it's a positive or negative vibration, the Law of Attraction will give you more of the same.
words -> thoughts (made up of words) -> feelings (positive/negative vibrations)

Words that are causing you to attract what you DON'T want:
Your unconscious and conscious mind automatically filters out the words don't, not, and no. When you use these words you are actually internalizing in your mind the exact thing you are being told not to. When you make a statement using the words don't, not or no, you are actually giving attention and energy to what you don't want. Each time you do that, ask yourself "So, what do I want?" When you ask yourself what you DO want, the answer will have created a new sentence with new words. When your words change, your vibration changes.

You can only send out one vibration at a time.
You can reset your vibration simply by changing your words, remembering that thoughts are made up of words.

The 3 step formula for Deliberate Attraction
1. Identify your desire.
2. Give your desire Attention
Contrast, is anything you don't like, doesn't feel good, or causes you to be in negative mood. The moment you identify something in your life that feels like contrast and you spend time complaining about it, you offer a negative vibration.
Observing contrast is essential because it helps you to become clearer about what you do want.
3. Allow it

Complete your own Clarity through Contrast
Choose an area in your life you would like to change.
On side A list all the things that are troubling you about your situation.
On side B, ask yourself "So, what do I want?"
By doing this you have a better understanding of what you want (clarity of desire) by listing what you don't want (contrast).

Here's what we covered.
- Your words generate a vibration that is either positive or negative.
- When you use the words don't, not, and no, you continue to give more attention, energy and focus to what you are referring to. Instead ask "So what do I want?"
- Use contrast briefly knowing that the Law of Attraction is always responding to your vibration
- Use contrast to generate clarity
- When building your contrast list find as many contrast items as possible. The more contrast you identify, the more clarity you'll have.

Give your Desire Attention
Imagine you have a bubble that is surrounding you and captured within this bubble are all the vibrations you are sending out. The Law of Attraction is responding to whatever is inside your Vibrational Bubble.

Am I including it in my vibrational bubble?
- When I'm talking about what I desire
- When I'm noticing something I like
- When I'm daydreaming about my desire
- When I visualize my desire
- When I'm pretending I already have my desire
- When I say yes/no to something
- When I worry about something
- When I complain about something
- When I remember something positive/negative
- When I'm observing something positive/negative
- When I'm playing with the idea of my desire
- When I'm making a collage about my desire
- When I'm praying about my desire
- When I'm celebrating something I like

Why using affirmations may not raise your vibration
An affirmation is a statement spoken in the present tense used to declare a desire. Attraction responds to the vibrations you send out based on how you feel, not based on specific words you use. If you tell yourself you have a slender body when you do not, or when it feels unattainable, you create a negative vibration (doubt) which the Law of Attraction will respond by giving you more of the same, even though it's unwanted. So reword it.

Tool #1: Rewording your Affirmations to make them Feel Better
Say instead.
I'm in the process of...
- I'm in the process of creating ideal family relationships
- I'm in the process of enjoying my body more and more
- I'm in the process of becoming more abundant
- I'm in the process of growing my business
- I'm in the process of having ideal health
- I'm in the process of attracting an ideal mate

Now each statement is true for you! When its true you feel good. When it feels good you are sending a positive vibration which the Law of attraction responds by bringing you more of the same.

Tool #2: The Desire Statement Tool
The three elements to the Desire Statement:
- The opening sentence
- The body
- The closing sentence.

Desire statement-
I'm in the process of.. attracting all that I need to do, know, or have, to attract my ideal mate.

I love knowing that my ideal ______________
I love how it feels when _________
I've decided __________
More and more _____________
It excites me _____________
I love the idea of _______
I'm excited at the thought of _________
I love seeing myself ___________

The above phrases allow you to talk about your desire and at the same time knowing it's true for you.

The Law of Attraction is unfolding and orchestrating all that needs to happen to bring me to my desire.

How do I know I'm doing it right?
Do you hear a little negative or uncomfortable feeling? Does your desire make you feel great? If not, then revise your statement so that you feel better (raise your vibration) when you read it.

Step 3: Allowing It
It is simply the absence of negative vibration(doubt). Have a strong desire with no doubt means your desire will be manifested quickly.
The speed at which Law of Attraction manifests your desire is in direct proportion to how much you Allow.

What is a Limiting Belief?
It is a repetitive thought that you think over and over again. When your thoughts consist of a limiting belief you're offering/sending out a negative vibration that will prevent you from attracting your desire.
It is "I can't.. because.."

Two Ways to know You've Allowed
First you can tell by how you feel. When you remove a negative feeling of resistance, most people feel a sense of relief or hear themselves saying, "Ah this feels much better!"

Secondly you can notice when manifestation appears in your life. When evidence is showing up in your life, you know you are allowing.

Belief #1: I'd like to have a more slender body but I can't because my family members are big.
Q: Is there anyone on the planet who has a body size different from their family?
A: Yes
Q: IF so, how many people have been doing this today? Yesterday? Last week, month, year?
Allowing statement:
Thousands of people, even in my neighbourhood, have different body sizes than their family members. There are millions of men on the planet that have a more slender body than their father or brother.

More tools to help you Allow
1. Celebrate the Proof (evidence)
The best way to remove doubt is find proof.
Have you noticed when something you desire starts showing up in your life, even just a little bit, it excites you? All this is proof of the Law of Attraction at work in your life.

2. Record Proof of the Law of Attraction
Keeping a diary or a book will help you believe it more, get excited more, allow moe and trust more. Regardless of the size, record the proof and it will raise your vibration. Remember, it is the absence of doubt that will bring your desire faster.

3. Appreciation and Gratitude
When you take time to appreciate every day you intentionally offer strong, positive vibrations, including those in your Vibrational Bubble.
Remember, the Law of Attraction does not care whether you are remembering, pretending, playing, creating, complaining or worrying. It simply responds to what's in your bubble, so find proof and send out a positive vibration.

4. Use the expression, "I'm in the process of..."
When you concentrate on what you don't have, you offer a negative vibration, so instead, reword it.

5. Use the expression, "I've decided..."
Have you noticed that in most cases when you say "I've decided" it creates a strong positive emotion? Most people rarely use the word DECIDE, yet it is an excellent way to take your focus off of lack and put it back onto your desire.

Decide more often, you'll feel instant relief from the positive emotions that come with each act of deciding.

6. Use the expression, "Lots can happen..."
Using this Allowing phrase shifts your vibration from lack to abundance, or from a negative to a positive one.
From now on, the moment you notice a lack of results, focus on the possibility that "lots can happen."

7. Ask for Information
We have less resistance to accepting information and as a result information comes quickly because there is no negative vibration to stop it from coming.

8. Make yourself an Attraction Box
Keep an attraction box to collect things that represent your desire: cut out from magazines, brochures for trips you want to take, or even business cards of people you want to work with.

Each time you put something in, you offer 'vibrationally' is hope, and hope is positive vibration.

9. Create a Void or Vacuum
A void or vacuum is always waiting to be filled.

E.G. you're looking for more clients. By labelling some empty file folders with "next new client" it sets the intention that you want to attract new clients and also creates a void to be filled. Saying "I am waiting for new clients" can be rephrased as "I have room and space for new clients." Does it feel better? :)

Some voids can be created intentionally. E.G. enter on your calendar "New appointment goes here" now you create a void to attract those things, giving it more attention, energy and focus.
Other kind is unintentional. When a client cancels, don't complain and give it a negative attention. Instead, say "I've created a void to attract a new client!"
Now that's allowing!!

10. Allow the Law of Attraction to figure it out
When you catch yourself saying "I don't know, I can't"....
STOP! Say to yourself, I'm going to allow the law of attraction to figure it out. There comes a time when you need to take action.
As you let the law of attraction figure it out, and you start to receive things that are in alignment with your desire, you can then decide to take action.

Wrapping up
- Allowing is the absence of doubt
- The negative vibration of a doubt cancels the positive vibration of a desire
- Finding proof removes doubt

Relationships and your Vibration
The next time someone calls you and starts to talk about how negative their life is... you do not buy into that conversation which lowers your vibration to match theirs. Instead: ask them simply, "So, what do you want?"
As their vibrations rises it gets closer to matching yours, the more harmonious your vibrations become.

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