Nice articles
Sunday, June 06, 2010
  Change Your Life in 7 Days - Paul McKenna
Pay attention to your breathing. The gentle rise and fall, happens all by itself.
Start counting backwards from 300… 299… 298… 297. Comfortably be aware of your shoulders relaxing... sensing the weight of your hand. Gentle lightness of letting go and peace. You are learning easily, you love & approve yourself. You are becoming more responsible. Life & the universe supports you. You think better of yourself in more positive ways.

Practising tenaciously, thinking of yourself in a much more positive way, noticing more phenomenal changes. You are getting more done, you are happier. Your r/s are working better. You are starting to see tangible results. What part of your new life are you enjoying the most? Give yourself a sense of that pleasure now & amplifying and intensifying the pleasure. You know by doing what is good for you, by doing what works through practice and listening repeatedly, you can achieve the things you want.

You know how good it feels when you know you’re doing what is important to you. When you are living your values and you can more and more everyday. Whatever happens, you feel a sense of satisfaction from living your values.

When you think of a limitation you have, ask yourself. Is there anyone with your limitation who has succeeded in spite of it? There are always more ways to look at the world. I’d like to thank that part of your mind that is in charge of your self image, for doing all the good things that it does for you – protecting you, helping you, making you the person that you are. But I’d like you to find new ways to achieve all the positive things that it was doing for you, but without unnecessary limitations or negative self-belief. You might not even be aware of what those new ways are going to be now as your unconscious mind decides what they are, and check that its okay for you to have that new self image.

I’d like the imaginative genius part of your unconscious mind to come up with solutions to problems. People show you love and respect and you enjoy showing it to others. You find new, exciting, easier ways to work and have fun and really enjoy life. You assume that other people are thinking good things about you. Think of someone who loves you, someone that you’ve held to approve of you. Step into their body and see yourself look through the eyes of love. Be aware of the thoughts and feelings they have about you. When you’ve learnt about the special qualities that make you loveable, step back out of the person and back into yourself again. So strangely things can turn out well as we tune ourselves to its energy. We learn to be mindful and we learn to listen to our own instincts.

Think about the ideal, authentic you. See your posture, the way you dress, your manner and the way others treat you. Now, go over to the ideal you. Feel the amazing difference. Imagine yourself in your ideal environment – how good does that feel?

Think of a good memory – fully return to it again now. Step into it and See it through your eyes; Hear it through your ears and feel those good feelings that go along again.
Whenever you feel less than resourceful, you will remember how to change your status, mind and body by changing pictures and sounds in your imagination. You remember that whatever happens around you - you are always free to choose. Remember times you felt great and understand how you made yourself feel so great.

You can overcome problems, your mind will generate creative ways to overcome obstacles. You begin to see yourself as a capable and resourceful person. You enjoy challenges as you realise they make you stronger, wiser, and you get value from your achievements. You are here for a worthwhile purpose – you are exceptional and you are here to achieve something wonderful for your life. How do you feel differently knowing this to be true? In future whenever you feel bad about anything, you will ask yourself what you are feeling bad about. Take appropriate action. The more your mind does this the more naturally focuses on the positive and you will become more resourceful than ever before.

You surround yourself with successful people. Remember to ask yourself: How can I do it better? Imagine great wealth flowing to you effortlessly and naturally. You deserve it and feel good about it. Picture a wealthy you - how do you look? WHat is your confident posture; how do you breathe? Get used to that wealthy confidence and let that confidence spread through you. You know what it is like to be in the zone. You produce the results that you’d like your mind to.

As you practice, you become skilled. Once you place your attention more and more, you enter the desired state more and more. Like a river flowing strongly and easily downstream. You practice and reinforce the neuropath in your brain.

Make a clear bright picture in your mind and step into the picture of a happier you. Feel the difference and thoughts and let that learning encode into your physiology. You are one of all things – you go into flow states easily and naturally. You absorb yourself in activities that are appropriate and life-enhancing. You choose to enjoy the flow state by enjoying what you do everyday, even smallest daily activities can be a fruitful occasion.

Imagine yourself in a time when everything is alright and everything is exactly what they should be. Notice every tiny detail and feel how good it is. The more good things you notice, the more you are letting good things flow into you. Enjoy exploring your ideal world and ideal day. Go through how well it starts, the way people respond to you. The places you go, things you do. Take the time to do it now.

As you become aware of the desire to be positive, Reinforce all positive thoughts.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
"Liquid Thinking" - Damian Hughes

1. Sink or Swim
- Those who make things happen
- Those who watch what happened
- Those who say "What happened?"

Start to accept that you are 100 per cent accountable and responsible for you and your life, your feelings and every result that you get. Stop making excuses and start to believe you are the cause rather than the effect.

Don't blame others. Accept personal responsibility.

2. Are You a Drifter?

What is your purpose?
It is not your job, relationships you choose, does not have to be overly impressive, doesn't have to make you a martyr, doesnt have to be complex.

helping you identify purpose:
- What are the 5 things you love to do?
- What 5 things you really good at
- What do you consider is essential for you to do in life?
- If you won the lottery what 3 things you'd do?
- If you were writing your own orbituary, what would it say?

3. Thirst for Success
Walt Disney who had already been bankrupt yet went out and applied for a loan at over 300 banks with this unbelievable sales pitch: He would have people come from all over the world to see larger than life cartoon characters in an amusement park and that park would have a replica of the Matterhorn -- complete with snow -- in Southern California! Over 300 loan officers laughed at him, yet Walt Disney believed in his vision so strongly that he never gave up. Someone finally agreed to loan him the money and the rest is history.

Thomas Edison failed over 1000 times to develop the light bulb.
Did they give up?

- Write down a long list of things you don't like doing.
- Write down a long list of things you like doing.
- When does time seem to fly? A long list.
- What energises you? Things that make you feel good after completion.
- Things you are good at.
- Things you good at and cross out that dont energise you, that you leave to he end of the day or that make time drag.

4. Liquid Go(a)led
SMART + Step.

Make the effort to write down goals.
RAS (Reticular Activating system) is small part of your brain that is critical in helping you achieve your goals.
There are too much information to be absorbed at any one time, and the brain manages to capture only some. You don't know that the flower on St 42 is red or has just bloomed.. etc.
IT's the same for the goals you want. Suddenly you will find more coincidences and opportunities coming your way, which will help and support you in achieving your goal.

5. What are your Anchors?

Diff things that you might coinsider to be a value:

What are the5 most important values in your life and work?
What are your rules and conditions that will allow you to live your live that suit your personal rule book?

6. Future Reflections
Muhammad Ali beat his competitor because prior to the rounds, he already pictured in his mind the sight of his competitor down on the floor.
He calls it "future history".

Answer the following q in PAST TENSE:
Where have you been on holiday, was it good?
What did you do and who were you with?

Where are you living, describe your house.

Where you work, what work is it

What have you achieved in the last years that you are most proud of, why?

7. Turn Water into Wine
Belief = behaviour = result

Think of the barriers that are stopping you from achieving your goals.
Be brutal and challenge yourself.

They may be time, money, location, boss, debt, knowledge, qualifications, lack of confidence, support, laziness, illness.. etc.
Now buy a book about your hero and compare your beliefs with theirs!

8. Deckchairs on the Titanic
- What are the 5 most important things in your life? Family, parents, career, hobbies, dreams, etc?

- How happy are you with the amount of time you spend on them?
- Think what you would like the number of hours to be.

9. Do you swim with sharks or dolphins?
(Probability thinkers )Energy sappers - like verbs like bleed, deplete, drain, exhaust, undermine, weaken, wear down.

(Possibility thinkers) Energizers - like verbs like drive, efficiency, exertion, force, intensity, power, spirit, stamina.

Robbie Williams wrote a song Hello Sir dedicated to the teachers who laughed of his ambitions to be a pop star.
Hello Sir, remember me?
I'm the man you thought I'd never be
The boy who you reduced to tears
Lad called 'thingy' for six whole years.

Yes, that's right, my name's Bob
The one who landed the pop star's job
The one you told, look don't touch
The kid who wouldn't amount to much.

Well, I'm here and you're still there
With a fake sports car and receding hair.
Dodgy Farah trousers that you think are smart
Married to the woman who teaches art.

Married to the life, married to the school
I wanna sing and dance Sir; now who's the fool?
Sing and dance, you thought I was barmy
Settle down thingy, join the army.

And who are you to tell me this?
The dream I want I'll have to miss
Sir is God, he's been given the right
To structure lives overnight.

Now I know life's true path
Tanks and guns that'll be a laugh
No, not me I'm a mega civilian
I won't lead my life riding pillion.

But thanks for the advice and I'm sure it'll do
For the negative dickheads just like you.
As for now I've a different weapon
Stage and sceen is about to beckon.

And here I sit in first class
Bollocks Sir, kiss my arse...

Identify which tribes you belong to.
Identify a group of people you admire, people you believe can help you achieve your goals and whom you can help achieve theirs. Commit to meet up and offer encouragement.

10/ Stop Whaling

Remove "failure" and "I Cant" out of your vocabulary.
Yoda: Do or do not. There is no try.

Change your own language.
Monitor what you say in your head and remove "I cant"

Train yourself to ask better questions.
- Can I improve or influence this situation?
- Can I find or learn anything positive from this
- Would I do anything differently next time?

You will notice it affects the results you get.

11. Go Fishing
You dont have to aim for Perfection. Sony takes about 5 days from an idea to a prototype, while others on average take 11 months.
Ask for feedback.

Keep track of your progress and how many attempts you make to achieve it. Don't give up after a try or two.
Share your goals with others and ask for feedback.

12. Think in Water Colour
5 guidelines for fresher, more innovative ideas:
- Go for quantity. The more ideas the better.
- Don't judge or evaluate ideas as you go along
- Capture all ideas you have in some way
- Love half answers.
- Be naive.
- Have an objective

13. Swim Against the Tide
Research into sales has shown that 73% of customers say "no" five times before they say yes. But only 8% of salespeople ever go past being told 'no' five times or more.

Have the courage to look at yourself and change your habits.
Be UNSTOPPABLE. Tell yourself that.

14. Dive in!
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." Goethe

Time does not wait for any of us. Don't wait for circumstances to be perfect.

"So gently close the door of yesterday and throw away the key away. It isn't the burdens of today that drive men mad, but rather the regret over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves who would rob us of today."
Saturday, September 12, 2009
  Act like a Lady, Think like a Man - Steve Harvey
3 P's of Love
Profess - He will announce your title "girlfriend/fiancee/wife" to his friends. He is proud of being with you, has plans for you. Sees himself in a long-term r/ship with you and is serious.

Provide - Not just financially. He will pay the bills, and not spend on trifling things, and not selfishly give you a little and keep rest for himself. Or, he may be broke but he's still not going to let you go hungry. Provide, With no limits.

Protect - Willing to protect what is his. Not just about using brute, but in other ways, whether with advice, or stepping up to perform a task that he thinks is too dangerous for you.

3 things every man needs
..Women are complicated creatures. Joke: a woman can truly be completely satisfied is to get herself four different men - an old one, an ugly one, a Mandingo, and a gay guy. Now the four of them combined? They got you covered.
The old man—he’ll sit around the house with you, spend his pension check on you, hug you, hold you, give you comfort,
and won’t expect any sex from you because, well, he can’t get it up no way. From him, you get financial security. The ugly
one? He’ll go above and beyond the call of duty to help you out: he’ll take the kids to their lessons after school, run you
down to the grocery store, wash the car on the weekends, babysit the cat—whatever you need, he’ll provide it because
he’s just happy someone as beautiful as you is paying him any kind of attention. From him, you get “me time.” He frees you
up to do all the things you need time to do. And then there’s the Mandingo man. You need a big ol’ Mandingo man. You
know what you gonna get from him. He’s big, he’s not that smart, can’t hold a good conversation, got muscles popping out
from his eyebrows to his pinkie toe and when you see him, you know he’s going to put your back out. That’s all you want from
him, and he makes sure he gives it to you real good. Mindblowing sex—that’s what you get from Mandingo. And then
you need a gay guy—someone you can go shopping with, who doesn’t want anything from you but gossip and details about
what the old man bought you, which errands you sent the ugly guy to take care of, and exactly how Mandingo had you doing
monkey flips for a week. See, the gay guy gives you all the conversation you need (smile).Four guys, supplying each of your needs should bring you happiness. I say should because for women, happiness isn't guaranteed. We fully recognize that you maintain the right to change at any time the perimeters, conditions, and specifics of what, exactly, will make you happy, and we try to adjust accordingly, and usually can't.

1. Support
We have to feel like somebody’s got our back—like we’re the king, even if we’re not.
So when we walk back in our house, we want to be able to let our guard down. All we want, really, is to hear you say,
“Baby, how was your day? Thank you for making it happen for us. This family needs you and wants you and is happy to have
you.” We’ve got to feel like we’re king, even if we don’t act kingly. Trust me, the more you make us feel like we’re special,
the more we’ll give in return. We’ll just try harder. Plain and simple. Take a page from my mother: every Sunday morning,
my daddy cut my hair for church, and when I got out of that chair, and lotioned up and put on my suit and my shoes and
walked into the living room where my mother was waiting for me, she would take one look at me and say, “Look at that boy’s
haircut—boy, you clean!” or “Look at you, boy—you sharp when you go to church!” I internalized the message—if I got a
fresh haircut and I put on a nice suit, my mother would compliment me, and I would walk out of the house with my shoulders
squared and head held high because my mother said I looked good and she was encouraging me to be presentable. And my
father’s chest was out as far as mine because every Sunday, she reminded him that he made it all possible; she kissed and
thanked him every Sunday.

A man needs that from his woman—he needs her to say,
“Baby, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate what you do for me and the kids.” Those simple words give us the strength to keep on doing right by you and the family. From working harder on the job, to bringing home that paycheck, to something as simple as throwing some meat on the grill on Saturday evenings or folding up a load of the laundry, we’ll do it more often if there is reward in it. That reward doesn’t cost you one red penny. It simply comes from the heart: Thank you, baby. I appreciate you.
You don’t know how important that is for your man; that little bit of encouragement makes him want to do more. You think
because we’re hard and we don’t want to cuddle that we don’t need that encouragement, but we do. And the woman who
comes along and says, “You so big and strong and you’re everything I need,” well, we’re going to go get some more of that!

2. Your Loyalty
woman’s love is emotional, nurturing, heartfelt— sweet and kind and all encompassing. You can slice a knife through it, it’s so thick. And when she’s in love with you, she is loyal to you—she can’t see herself with someone else, because for her, no one else will do. That’s a woman’s love.

ut for men, love is loyalty. We want you to show your love to us by being loyal. That means that no matter what, you’re
going to stand beside us. We get laid off, we know you’re going to stay, even if we’re not drawing a paycheck. You get around
your girlfriends, you’re going to say with great enthusiasm, “That’s my man. I’m loyal to him.” You’re going to hold on to our hand a little tighter and say from the bottom of your heart, “I don’t want any of those shiny, rich, fine men because my man is the only one for me!” (We can only hope that’s what you’ll say—smile.)

3. the Cookie
Men. Need. Sex. We love it. We need to be
physically engaged with the woman we love, the woman who is loyal to us and supports us, and the way that we do that is by
making love. The emotional stuff—the talking, the cuddling, the holding hands, and bonding, that’s y’all’s thing. We’ll do
those things because we know it’s important to you. But please understand: the way we men connect is by having sex. Period. It’s how we plug in, recharge, and reconnect.

You got about a good month at best without it. And then he’s going to get it from somewhere else (unless you’re carrying
his child).

Know this
1. Dont say "We need to talk."
2. If a man likes what he sees, he's going to go there and get it. He doesn't care anything about your personality or what you do for a living; your friends mean nothing to him, he just wants to know if he might be able to sleep with you, and he's talking to you to determine exactly how much he has to invest to get what he wants. Invest = your rules and requirements. (that you need his time, respect and attention)
3. Know his plans for you.
4. Lay out standards and requirements. (You need to respect me, put me and kids after God and above all others. Be clear to everyone involved in our lives that they will respect your relationship, and me.)

SportsFish VS keepers
"A Sports Fish:
Doesn't have any rules, requirements, respect for herself, or guidelines, and we men can pick up her scent a mile away. She's the party girl who takes a sip of her Long island Iced Tea or a shot of her Patron, then announces to her suitor that she just "wants to date and see how it goes," and she's the conservatively dressed woman at the office who is a master at networking, but clueless about how to approach men. She has no plans for any ongoing relationships, is not expecting anything in particular from a man, and sets absolutely not nary one condition or restriction on anyone standing before her - she makes it very clear that she's just along for whatever is getting ready to happen. For sure, as soon as she lets a man know through words and action that he can treat her just any old kind of way, he will do just that. Men will stand in line to sign up for that, believe me."

"A Keeper:
Never gives in easily, and the standards/requirements start from the moment you open your mouth. See, she understands her power and wields in like a samurai sword. She commands - not demands - respect, just by the way she carries herself. You can walk up to her and give her your best game, and while she may be impressed by what you say, that's no guarantee that she's going to let the conversation go any further, much less give you her phone number and agree to give you some of her valuable time. Men automatically know from the moment she opens her mouth that if they want her, they'll have to get in line with her standards and requirements, or keep it moving because she's done with games and isn't interested in playing."

Men cheat
- Because they can.
- They think they can get away with it. ("It aint me, I dont know who that is with my social security number all over his butt, with the same shoes as me, but that's not me!!")
- He hasn't become who he wants and needs or found who he truly wants.
- What's happening at home isn't "happening" like it used to. (Routine - and you've changed. The TY's come less frequently, there's alot of arguing going on... if he can't get what he signed up for back at the house, he's likely to go out and find it somewhere else..)
- There's always a woman out there who's willing to cheat with him.

Instead of Saying these.. say that
"I cant stand it when a man shows up late!" - SAY: Everybody is so busy these days - time sure is precious, isnt it? If I'm going to be late, it only takes a phone call to be courteous.

"if you're dating and sleeping with other women, Im not the one!" - SAY: I'm always honest with the man I'm dating; if I want to see other people besides him, I let him know up frotn so that he can decide if he wants to continue.

"I got 3 kids and 2 jobs because these children's dady aint worth a damn, so any man stepping to me better have a bank and be ready to raise some kids the right way or hit the highway" - SAY: Being a good mom is really important to me, and a part of being a good mom is making sure that my kids have a good father. I'm independent, but I realise how much better it would be for me and my family if a good man was in the picture.

5 questions to ask bfore getting in too deep
1. What are your short term goals? (to improve himself)
2. Long term goals (will have u in the plan)
3. Your views on r/ships
4. What you think about me? (ask to specify. why, list incidents)
5. What you FEEL about me?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
  The Truth About Getting Your POint Across -Lonnie Pacelli
Courage: Not afraid to speak out against the status quo and challenge conventional wisdom.
Conviction: Felt strongly about their ideas and want others to know from their viewpoint.
Wisdom: Know the subject matter cold and can defend ideas effectively.
Clarity: Messages is simple, concise, and easily understood.
Credibility: Trusted by others and walked the talk.

-Who needed to be communicated to
-What information they needed to help them do their job
-Why they needed information
-How they preferred to communicate
-How often they needed communication
-When they preferred communication to happen

Make yourself available & open for advice and open to feedback.
Openly share templates.

Running Meetings
1. Make sure attendees have common knowledge, and the size is manageable.
2. Prepublish the agenda and purpose.
Friday, December 05, 2008
  Mumbai victim Lo Hwei Yen's husband, Mr Michael Puhaindran, recalls their happiness
It was a smile that captured people.
Click to see larger image
PICTURE OF HAPPINESS: A picture of Ms Lo Hwei Yen at her wake at her family's home at Teresa Ville at Lower Delta Road. TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG

And it was a smile from within your whole being.

After meeting you that day, I asked Sandy: 'Who's the babe?'

It was another day at Spinelli when I bumped into you and I spoke to you and said we should have lunch together.

You probably asked yourself why the first lunch I suggested was at this place, San Marco, at the Fullerton.

It was kind of odd for a first lunch.

I guess we went for our first date on an office lunch, during lunch hour.

Your best attribute was that there was so much love about you.

A selfless love.

It was this love that really struck me about you.

You could be incredibly stubborn at times and incredibly feisty. And you knew what you wanted.

You were very much your own person.

But you also wanted to make people happy, buying drinks for them, to make sure they had a good time.

You gave your all to people.

Once people got to know you, they would realise what a precious gem you were.

I am 37.

You were 28.

I am nine years older than you.

And when I met you, I knew I wanted to marry you. I waited all my life to find you.

I took you to the Maldives in 2006, just eight months after getting to know you.

And I proposed to you there. On the very night we landed. I guess I couldn't wait.

You claimed you knew I was up to something because I was asking you leading questions, like if you were happy with me.

Being the lawyer, you were quite sharp and knew before I proposed.

We were at a villa at the Banyan Tree in the Maldives at midnight.

Everything was quiet under the beautiful moonlit night. That's when I asked you to be my wife.

You were very happy to say 'yes', and you cried.

You wanted a wedding in Bali. And we really had a beautiful wedding.

This year, we went to Melbourne and returned on 21 Nov.

We met friends there and had a great time.

We were both Kylie Minogue fans and went to her concert here, the night before you left for Mumbai.

Even though you were that much younger than me, you liked old things, like me.

In the last few weeks of our relationship, it was truly the best moments of my life.

As newlyweds, we had minor teething problems.

We had the occasional tiff. And a few months ago, we had a really good heart-to-heart talk.

I told you it looked like I had my demands not because I wanted you, but because I needed you.

You were really my entire life.

In your obituary, I said: 'My life has no meaning and no purpose.'

That's what I mean right now.

Everything I did, I did for you. My whole life really revolved around you.

You were truly the meaning of my life.

A few months ago, I explained to you that you were not something that was nice to have around.

You were what I needed.

You were part of me.

The last few weeks of your life with me were really, really truly wonderful.

You would have the most beautiful smile for me when you got home. It was truly, truly fantastic.

Marriage was work, we all knew that.

We had achieved some new level in our relationship.

I was indescribably happy. That's why it's even harder for me to talk about it.

I didn't even want you to get wet in the rain. I wanted to make your life as smooth as possible.

Needless to say, being unable to protect you, there's nothing to really say about that.

The day you left for Mumbai, we had to be at the airport by 5.45am.

Your flight was after 7am.

You had to give a talk in Mumbai and you were nervous about it. You went through your whole talk with me at the departure hall.

And I said your speech had substance and that you would charm them.

You reached Mumbai safely and you messaged me. Then came your message; that you had heard gunshots during dinner.

A few messages and phone calls and many agonising hours later, you were gone.

You were so brave.

I could talk for hours about you.

Because, basically, you were a wonderful human being.

Before I came back to Singapore, I did not know how I was going to carry on.

I did not pray after what had happened.

But when we had the first prayer session for you on Monday night, that pain dulled.

God is somehow watching over me.

Right now, it's one day at a time. There's no planning, no thinking of tomorrow.

It's going to be very hard.

I know you want me to live my life.

Whether I can do it or not, that's what my friends and family are for.

Their love, which they are pushing in my direction, is helping me push aside my grief for a while.

I remember my last words to you: 'I love you very much.'

And those were your last words to me, too.

I want people to know what a wonderful person you were.

The babe I had waited for my whole life.

By ANDRE YEO, based on what Mr Puhaindran said at a press conference yesterday
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I love you because...
with you I can be myself
Because we can talk about anything and laugh about silly things...

I love you because...
You made a difference in my life and that made all the difference.

I love you for a hundred thousand reasons~
But most of all I love you 'cause you're you!

Dear friend:
Thanks for giving me enough space to be a close friend.
Thanks for giving me your smile to wear when tears had washed mine away.
Thanks for admiring my virtues and accepting my flaws when I wasn’t capable of doing either.
Thanks for poking me with your laughter when I was full of hot air.
Thanks for making me laugh when something happened to me that was nothing to laugh at.
Thanks for asking me what I was going through and reminding me that soon I would be through it.
Thanks for listening to what I said and couldn’t say, and understanding that what we can’t say hurts the most.
Thanks for all the time we spent together and for showing me that friendship can be our finest hour.
Thanks for the lesson in self-esteem: All friendship first begins with self-friendship.
Thanks for opening your heart: When a friendship opens, it opens us inside out.
Thanks for teaching me not to be blind to friendship even if you sometimes have to close one eye to make a friend and two eyes to keep a friend.
Thanks for telling me when I have something stuck in my teeth.
Thanks for having the honesty to not accept my faults as yours.
Thanks for listening to me when I had nothing to say and for saying nothing about you.
Thanks for reminding me that who I once was is not as exciting to you as whom I might yet become.
Thanks for remind me that a friend is someone who is there for you when you don’t think you’re getting anywhere.
Thanks for reminding me that the only way to be a best friend is to be the best I can be.
Thanks for listening long enough for me to hear how wrong I could be.
Thanks for reminding me that we can be independent and still depend on others.
Thanks for taking my side in arguments and changing sides when I changed my mind.
Thanks for reminding me that I’m not the most important person in the world but that you think the world of me.
Friendship is contagious and love is contagious.
Friendship is like good health; you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.
Friendship is a key that can unlock something inside of us we never knew was locked.
A friend is more than someone who treats us with the same familiar disregard we have for ourselves.
A friend is someone who allows distance but is never far away.
If we look at our friends and feel lucky, we are.
Growing up, lots of people would talk to me. You would listen.

Don’t take criticism to heart but to get to the heart of the criticism.
Real kindness is helping someone who can never repay you.
We are lost when we don’t help others to find their way.
No matter how gifted we are, none of us are a gift to others if we’re wrapped up in ourselves.
When you want to wash away a memory, scrub with time.
The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.
God gave us two eyes so we could see both sides of our own opinions, and two ears so we could hear both sides to the argument, but only one mouth and the reminder not to talk out of both sides of it.
It is all right to be wrong and wrong to always be right.


  Exercise Face

The Neck Tightener

To help relieve and prevent a double chin, sit upright, head back, looking at the ceiling with your lips closed, and start a chewing motion. You will the muscles working in your neck and throat area. Repeat 20 times.

The Furrow Smoother

For pesky forehead wrinkles, lift your eyebrows as high as possible, opening your eyes very wide. Relax and repeat 10 times. Then let your fingertips meet in the centre of your forehead and gently lift up the forehead skin while lowering your eyebrows. At the same time draw your finger across the forehead towards the hairline. Repeat 10 times.

The Lip Plumper

Sit upright, keeping your lips closed and teeth together. Smile as widely as you can without opening your lips. Hold for a count of five and when relaxing start puckering your lips in a pointed kiss. Keep it there for a count of five and relax. Repeat 10 times.

The Cheek Shaper

Smile with your lips closed and then suck in your cheeks towards and onto your teeth. Hold this for 10 counts and repeat 10 times.

The Chin Firmer

Raise your chin up and put your lower lip over your toplip. Place your fingers just above your jawbone. Now smile. You will feel a lift in your neck, jaw, mouth and lower cheeks. Hold for 10 counts and release. Repeat 10 times.

The Eye Debagger

Sit upright with eyes closed and relaxed. Keeping them closed, lift your eyebrows and stretch your eyelids down as far as possible. Hold this position for a count of five. Repeat 5 times.

To gently tone the muscles of the eyes, press your two index fingers on each side of your head at the temples while opening and closing your eyes quickly. Repeat 5 times.


  1. Mouth the letters “I”, “E”, “U”, “X”. Ham it up, exaggerating the pronunciation of each letter so that you feel your muscles really working.
  2. To make your fragrance last, apply a body lotion first. It creates a foundation on which your scent can linger.

Signs you’re sleep deprived

- You regularly remember your dreams. This indicates that you are waking up the before the final sleep cycle- the one where you get the most mind clearing sleep.

- Irritable

According to the British Sleep Foundation, for the average person, who needs eight hours’ sleep a night, losing even one hour can lower the IQ by one point the next day. This may not sound a lot, but add it up over a week and low-grade absent-mindedness can soon set it in.


  1. Peel a banana. High in the amino-acid tryptophan, it helps to promote sleep.
  2. Stay away from stimulants for three hours before sleep. Bacon, cheese, chocolate, red win and horror films.
  3. Plan your next day early in the evening so you won’t worry while trying to sleep.


Saturday, March 15, 2008
Messy Thrilling Life -Sabrina Ward Harrison

Admitting today
I am a woman who wants to only weigh 123 pounds and sometimes thinks that could be the answer. I am a woman who likes her stomach flat and wants to seem like it doesn't matter all that much. I am a woman who wants to make powerful art of this world. I am a woman who can feel so lonely at the most unexpected times. and sometimes I cant ask directly or tell you how upset I really feel and I hope I'll grow out of it.

Girls seem very leggy in this city. Their legs go on and on. Where did they all come from?

I want to leave a dance. I want to let it rip I want to find new rooms inside myself. I dont want to write myself of as weak. I want to strengthen everything heart muscle.

I am a woman who wants to start fresh and most of the time I feel small when I take my boots off. I am a woman who needs her own role models and doesn't want to be one for anyone else. Maybe one that speaks up for the muted bag of human.

I want to be loved, but not changed to fit them. I want to live louder but not fele like a selfish person for doing so. I want to go crazy

I have always wanted to be brave. I wake up waiting.

crabby annoying bitchy lame pathetic mean snarly needy plain push wornout - parts of me I really don't like when they come out. We can't always be lovely and glowing.

I know I am always trying to come from love, and I don't all the time. I know I can be a pisser and really annoying. I know I can burst into tears at not the best times. I can listen I can give I can try my best. I know I can hurt people without meaning to, I know I can love deeply. I grapple with all this stuff. Don't we all a bit?

I want to leave traces of truth. Traces of what it actually feels like. What can be told true today? I apologize so often for myself. I catch myself carefully constructing my actions to "keep the love steady". The acceptance strong. The understanding in place. I want to give it up. Fall out of line and allow the way it goes.

Going to a bar with a guy can really suck. I hate being checked out by other women. there is supposed to be all this sisterhood but it seems to fly out of the window. It can be so fierce and intense. I try to remember we are all just trying to make our way through. We all get nervous and unsure about our place in all this. But in that bar feel naked and isolated surrounded by a swirling crowd of smiles and spilling alcohol.. and I play along.

I am here to be different to be full-grown and woman, not girl rattled with questions, but a woman ready to make new work and find new answers. I am a woman who puts on her future when she wakes up in his arms and decisions. I am a woman who wants to fall in love with her work the way men do. The way they put it first and me second.

I have to remember that it's okay (and normal + right) to not feel up for it all sometimes to feel let down by life thinking "This is it" what I've been striving for but it doesn't feel like the answer- or deep peace I thought would be there.

I carry with me stories of forgiveness and how much I've tried not to worry. I carry my worry and concern. I carry with me my phone and all the numbers of those I call and those who don't call back.
I carry with me every fresh new start. I don't carry the worry of your departure or your schedule in my mind. I don't carry your number anymore. I carry the desire to go unnoticed and at the same time not be forgotten. I carry the laughter. I carry the dream of you before I knew you and into the days to come. I want to believe there is a bigger plan and I need that is above me for my life, a way that I can trust my decisions and the way it seems to go.

In love I can lose myself along the road. I want to give him my care my time my concern my body but I have given out, lost the bottom of my oat. These women who hold their own- so strong and decisive blow me away. They make plans on Friday+Saturday nights with their girlfriends not concerned in the least for their man for keeping the connection, they go on waltzing forward taking care- strong care of themselves.

I don't want to be ruled by my expectations, wanting magic painless perfect love + romance. Filled with crazy love sick rolling and topping. I want him to fight for me.

Sometimes I just want to slosh around in my art making. Sometimes I want to be dainty and classy (and lovely) for my man. Sometimes I want to never look into the mirror. and give up the show. I wish I was low maintenance and low key. I wish I didn't hurt the kindest people and I wish I knew how to get angry.

He tells me he can do none of it now, none of what we feel we should be able to handle. There is so much that I don't know. and so many questions and I feel that crease in my brow as it sit here in the shade. And I think my best friend, my partner, my first ever, may leave in the flash of an eye- it seems it always could happen, anything can take us away. And with my fears I prepare for this loss in my heart. The heartbreaking loneliness.

I think of my own life for a moment. Where do I start from here? Where do I belong? do I head off? to follow? Time to get some perspective, look at my own life with room around the edges.

I want to give it up. Give up the competition the city thrives on. The standards are so high. What really rests at the top? I don’t like seeing myself in the mirror when I do. I look trashy when I do. I feel better in PJs and socks. Where can I go that is so simple anymore?

There is a terrible sadness I feel, a mourning of a certain sort of dream come true. Giving up on a sort of longing for a calm I thought I could hold and know was true and right and somehow lasting.

Sometimes I don't think I'll be a good mother. I won't be patient and selfless and loose. I worry how overwhelmed I will feel. How tired. I worry I will lose me and what I make. I do know deep down that making another human being is the most creative amazing thing-- but I still worry. But sometimes I feel like I can't be a wife. The fear of losing self, fading away nothing left for anyone else to love or need. How can we take care along the way? Restore, fill up, awaken. I wanna be a good mama.My mom seemed like she handled it so well. I admire the women who handle the balance.

I have done the best I can and I am giving everything I can think of, that I have to give to take my life in my own two hands and not apologize. To make my life matter, to take responsibility for what I do in my life. Take responsibility for speaking up for the ways I take care of my own body, the mistakes and successes. To stand away from the crowd and take the road less traveled.

I want to say I'm sorry for letting you down but I can't say sorry anymore. I can't I just can't. there will be no one left here.

In one life how many times can the heart break? When we do know we have found our true north? WHere do I belong? What happens next? How do I know if this is all wrong? How long will we live this way? What will my children be like? How long will I live? Where will I go?



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